Category: Studyguides
Showing 1–16 of 76 results
TAS Accounting Gr10 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 10 Accounting 3in1 study guide gives you a fantastic jumpstart to the Accounting curriculum in future grades. You work through logically organised sections, gaining a deep understanding of the basic terms, concepts and principles you’ll need. The graded questions and answers then invite you to apply what you learn and track your growing expertise.
Key features:
- Step-by-step, methodical approach
- Comprehensive notes with worked examples per topic
- Graded questions and answers per topic
- Exam papers and answers with handy hints
TAS Accounting Gr11 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 11 Accounting 3in1 study guide is the complete, simple solution to the Grade 11 CAPS curriculum. It mentors you through the course material with comprehensive notes, questions, answers and full exams, allowing you to boost your understanding and hone your exam technique.
Key Features:
- Step-by-step, methodical approach
- Comprehensive notes with worked examples per topic
- Graded questions and answers per topic
- Exam papers and answers with handy hints
TAS Accounting Gr12 2in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 12 Accounting 2in1 study guide is a highly effective revision companion. You can use it throughout the term as well as for exam preparation.
Key Features:
- A quick revision of all aspects of the CAPS curriculum. This section covers the essential theory and basic concepts.
- 7 exam papers with suggested answers. Clear guidelines for exam technique and layout are provided throughout.
TAS Accounting Gr12 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 12 Accounting 3in1 study guide offers a full, step-by-step walkthrough of the Grade 12 Accounting CAPS curriculum. It leads you from the subject basics right through to the most challenging content. It uses easy-to-understand notes and explanations to simplify the course content and includes graded questions and answers which enable you to regularly check your progress.
Key Features:
- Step-by-step, methodical approach
- Comprehensive notes with worked examples per topic
- Graded questions and answers per topic
- Exam papers and answers with handy hints
TAS Afrikaans Eat Gr12 3in1 Kabv
Request QuoteHierdie Graad 12 Afrikaans EAT 3in1 studiegids neem jou stapsgewys deur die vier hoofvaardighede vir Afrikaans EAT – Luister & Praat; Lees & Kyk; Skryf & Aanbied; Taalstrukture & -konvensies. Interessante, aktuele en inspirerende voorbeeldtekste word deurgaans voorsien om meer spesifieke vaardighede te ontwikkel. Die logiese uitleg en voorbeelde help met begrip en toeganklikheid van die kurrikuluminhoud.
- Stapsgewyse, hanteerbare benadering
- Breedvoerige Notas oor elk van die 4 vaardighede
- Vrae en Antwoorde (Toets Jou Kennis) oor elk van die 4 vaardighede
- 5 Eksamenvraestelle en -memo’s (Taal)
TAS Agricultural Sciences Gr12 2in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis 2in1 study guide presents the challenging content material of Grade 12 Agricultural Sciences in an easy-to-use format that stimulates consistent revision as well as pre-exam consolidation.
Key features:
- Illustrated skills summary
- Curriculum-based check lists per topic
- Comprehensive terminology lists per topic
- Questions and answers per topic
- Exam papers and memos
- Answers and memos in a separate booklet
TAS Besigheid Studies Gr11 3in1 Kabv
Request QuoteHierdie Graad 11 Besigheidstudies 3in1 studiegids neem jou stapsgewys deur die KABV-kurrikulum. Dit vereenvoudig konsepte met behulp van bondige verduidelikings, nuttige illustrasies, inligting in kolpuntstyl en tabelformaat. Maklike begrip is belangrik en hierdie studiegids met sy metodiese benadering wat lig werp op die inhoud, verseker juis dit.
- Omvattende notas per kwartaal
- Eksamenvrae per onderwerp
- Antwoorde op alle vrae
- Eksamenvraestel en -memo
TAS Besigheid Sudies Gr 10 3in Kabv
Request QuoteHierdie Graad 10 Besigheidstudies 3in1 studiegids gebruik omvattende notas, duidelike, maklik-om-te-volg verduidelikings, noukeurig uitgesoekte vrae en antwoorde om jou moeiteloos deur die Graad 10 KABV-kurrikulum te lei. Soos jy teen jou eie pas deur die studiegids werk, sal jy ‘n voortdurende en merkbare verbetering in jou begrip en eksamentegniek agterkom.
- Omvattende notas per kwartaal
- Eksamenvrae per onderwerp
- Antwoorde op alle vrae
- Eksamenvraestel en -memo
TAS Besigheidstudies Gr12 3in1 kabv
Request QuoteHierdie Graad 12 Besigheidstudies 3in1 studiegids bied die vakinhoud in ‘n toeganklike, georganiseerde formaat aan. Dit versterk jou kennis met behulp van kolpuntopsommings, geïllustreerde diagramme en tabelle. Eksamenvrae uit onlangse KABV-eksamens aan die einde van elke onderwerp maak dit moontlik dat jy jou begrip kan toets en jou vaardighede oefen.
- Omvattende notas per kwartaal
- Eksamenvrae per onderwerp
- Antwoorde op alle vrae
- Eksamenvraestel en -memo
TAS Business Studies Gr 10 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 10 Business Studies 3in1 study guide uses comprehensive notes, clear, easy-to-follow explanations, carefully selected questions and answers, to lead you effortlessly through the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum. As you work through this study guide at your own pace, you’ll notice a steady and marked improvement in your understanding and exam technique.
Key features:
- Comprehensive notes per term
- Exam questions per topic
- Answers to all questions
- Exam paper and memo
TAS Business Studies Gr 11 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 11 Business Studies 3in1 study guide walks you step-by-step through the CAPS curriculum. It simplifies concepts with concise explanations, helpful illustrations, bulleted style information and table formatting. Ease of understanding is key, and the methodical, illuminating approach of this study guide ensures just that.
Key features:
- Comprehensive notes per term
- Exam questions per topic
- Answers to all questions
- Exam paper and memo
TAS Business Studies Gr 12 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 12 Business Studies 3in1 study guide presents the subject material in an accessible, organised format. It reinforces your knowledge with bulleted summaries, illustrative diagrams and tables. Exam questions from recent CAPS exams at the end of each topic enable you to assess your understanding and practice your skills.
Key features:
- Comprehensive notes per term
- Exam questions per topic
- Answers to all questions
- Exam paper and memo
TAS Consumer Studies Gr10 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 10 Consumer Studies 3in1 study guide gives you a step-by-step but thorough introduction to the Grade 10 CAPS curriculum. The detailed notes, practical tips, generous array of questions, answers and exam paper practice provide the Grade 10 learner with all the skills, content material and consolidation necessary to excel in this subject.
Key features:
- Comprehensive notes per topic
- Questions and answers per topic
- Practical work: food production
- Exam paper and memo
TAS Consumer Studies Gr12 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 12 Consumer Studies 3in1 study guide is a dependable, easy-to-follow study aid for every learner in this subject. It contains thoroughly researched notes, clear illustrations, study tips, exercises and exam papers. The bulleted notes, relevant diagrams and logical layout aid understanding and accessibility of the curriculum content.
Key features:
- Comprehensive notes and tips
- Questions and answers per topic
- Exam paper and memo
TAS Economics Gr10 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 10 Economics 3in1 study guide uses a logical, easy-to-follow approach to introduce you to the core concepts of this subject. This book illustrates, with ease, the links between multiple economic factors that make this complex subject so interesting, allowing you to be confident of success. The focus is on understanding, exam preparation and providing a solid grounding for Economics in Grades 11 and 12.
Key features:
- Comprehensive study notes and worked examples per term
- Topic-based and term-based questions
- Answers to all questions
- 2 exam papers and memos
TAS Economics Gr12 3in1 Caps
Request QuoteThis Grade 12 Economics 3in1 study guide uses clear explanations and illustrations to deepen your understanding of this challenging subject’s core concepts. The carefully graded questions encourage you to improve steadily in your subject insight, exam skills, and thus your exam grade.
Key Features:
- Step-by-step, methodical approach
- Comprehensive notes and worked examples per term
- Topic-based and term-based questions
- Answers to all questions
- Exam paper and memo